Fine Mom......I'll be your friend on Facebook.

Monday, June 29, 2009

So I did it. I "friended" my mom on Facebook. I do not have anything that I am trying to hide, but I had just always associated the social networking site with my friends. I like to see what other people are up too, and post the occassional picture or status update.

It all started with a few requests from co-workers. No way! Way too close for me. I like to keep my life at work extremely professional. Weird, I know. I got really close to one of the other teachers at work, so I accepted her request. Huge mistake! She was friends with our prinicpal! WHAT?! And now I am getting the students' requests.....well actually since most of my students are not yet 13 or whatever, I get the requests from their parents with a note saying that it is actually from them. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?

So anyway.....I figured if I was going to be friends with my old students, then I would have to be friends with my mom (who is also friends with my Great Aunt Martha). Sigh.